At the concerts of Kamerkoor JIP, there will be an exhibition, inspired by the theme and music of the project.
Baban Kirkuki (Kurdistan, Iraq, 1974) studied the Arabic language and literature and published his first book of poetry “Ruine of Babylon”
(1998) in Iraq. In 1999, he escaped to Holland. He became rapidly familiar with the language and gained success with his work in Dutch. In 2006, Baban published his first book of poetry “Op weg naar Ararat” on his own. In 2011, Baban gained the C.C.S. Crone Grant. He has been a member of the Utrecht Poets Guild since 2012.
Different poems in Dutch and Arabic that are related to our themes will be exposed prior to the concerts. Also, some of the poems will be read out to you during the concert. During the break, you can buy his books of poetry!
mijn ziel moet een zigeuner zijn
die veel vertrekpunten herkent
mijn ziel herkent geen land, geen huis, geen bepaalde zone
hij is overal
mijn ziel herkent geen bestemming
maar hij is iets van mij
een eigendom van mijn lichaam
en niet van U